On behalf of the Indian Chapter of International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association, we are privileged to invite you to the forthcoming Annual conference, IHPBA India 2015 to be held in the historic city of Hyderabad from 27th February to 1st March 2015.
The theme of the conference is “Benign HepatoPancreato Biliary Diseases”. A galaxy of International and National Faculty will participate and address Current issues,Controversies and Future directions in the management of the Benign HPB Diseases.
The conference includes Live workshop showcasing techniques and emerging technology in Open, Laparoscopic and Endoscopic Surgery by the Masters in the field of HPB Surgery.
We will make sincere effort to make the conference a memorable one with regard to Scientific Programme and Hyderabadi hospitality
The details of the programme and latest information regarding the conference will be available on the web site:www.ihpba2015.aigindia.net
We eagerly look forward to having your active participation and interaction in the conference.
D Nageshwar Reddy
Organising Chairman